The people at Porta-Brace have been making high-quality professional camera cases and covers, in Vermont, USA for over forty years. Their pride in the traditions of craftsmanship and independence are represented in the high-quality, hand-crafted and innovative products that they make. There's an artistic side of the Vermont craftsman, which is likely inspired by the beautiful natural surroundings. But all good Vermont craftspeople know that crafting quality products also requires hard work, commitment, and pride: all characteristics that share a common Vermont heritage of converting local raw materials into long-lasting products.
We sell the complete line of Portabrace products. Please contact us for pricing.
In most cases we can have your order shipped directly from Portabrace to you.
Please take these links to the Portabrace website for your specific areas of interest. Please note the model number(s) of the products you are interested in.
Camera Cases
Production Gear
Tripod and Lighting Cases
Hard Cases
Audio Cases
Please call or email us for pricing!
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408 Paulding Avenue
Suite F
Northvale, NJ 07647
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