You want beautifully detailed images, whatever the projector or conditions. Draper's unsurpassed screen technology delivers them. Draper's line of TecVision viewing surfaces are 8K-ready and ISF-certified for color accuracy, and feature solutions to handle ambient light, dim projectors, wide viewing angles, high dynamic range (HDR), ultra-high-definition (UHD), acoustical transparency, and more.
G&G Technologies sells the complete line of Draper products. In most cases we can have your order shipped directly from Draper to you.
Please take these links to the Draper website for your specific areas of interest:
Projection Mounts and Lifts
Window Shading and Solar Control
Gym Equipment
Complete List Prices for All Draper Products (Excel File)
Please note that the above Excel file is Draper's suggested list prices and
your pricing will be much lower.
Please call or email us for pricing!
G&G Technologies
408 Paulding Avenue
Suite F
Northvale, NJ 07647
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